The Unknown Journey

I was recently talking to a friend, and the topic moved to a mutual friend of ours. “Dude!”, my friend exclaimed, “ What he (our mutual friend) is doing is madness!”. I could only say that maybe it is his coping mechanism, but that got me thinking.
Do any of my actions appear downright crazy to an outsider? Do the actions I perform to cope up seem silly and unnecessary to an onlooker? Maybe they do. Perhaps, the things I value are different from what they consider important, and when their world seems to be falling apart, they will do things which would make no sense to me. I had a classmate whose world revolved around marks. She could go to any possible extent to ensure she got the maximum possible grades, and if they were affected, she would be distraught. Initially, it made no sense to me, but years later, I realised that it was the effect of everything she had seen and heard since her childhood.
Everyone has different priorities, different values, and different struggles. The very place that some people hate may be a haven for others. To some of my friends, the place we are living in feels like a prison. Yet, a dog who had been adopted from here escaped and came back because it felt like home, even though this place has no covered place for her to stay. The things that come easily to some people might be the very thing someone else is struggling to achieve. It seems that we never get what we want, doesn’t it? I always feel like the areas of life that I value the most are the ones which evade me or give me problems. And, things which are not high on my priority list magically make their way into my life. Maybe it is for the best, and things will eventually work out. But that doesn’t reduce the pain of not getting what one wants, does it?
We are all fighting battles in our daily lives. Some may seem simpler than others, but none of them are easy. We never know how much something affects another person until we walk in their shoes. So maybe, let’s not judge each other, be kind, and make the journey easier for others?

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